Split earlobe repair, before & after

Split earlobes commonly occur in clients who wear earrings. Sometimes, an earring is pulled out causing a tear in the earlobe and for some clients, wearing heavy earrings over time causes the hole in the ear lobe to enlarge and become unsightly.

Is a split earlobe troubling you?

Clients often have trouble wearing their earrings or cannot enjoy expressing their sense of style as earrings are enjoyable for them to wear and form part of their professional or social image.

Often clients dislike the look of their earlobe being split even if they are not wearing earrings. This can lead to the hair being grown longer to hide the split ear lobe or the hair not being worn up.

Restore your earlobe

Repair of the split earlobe involves repairing the split and preserving the curvaceous, elegant, full shape of the earlobe giving a more youthful appearance.

No stay required

This procedure is performed as out patient in a high quality state of the art operating theatre with a trained nurse present.

Surgery & recovery

Earlobe repair for both sides take between half an hour and one hour.

Ear rings may be worn again around 6-12 weeks later.


Split earlobe or tribal earlobe repair is carried out by numbing the earlobe with some small injections of local anaesthetic.

Split earlobe repair without hole preservation

This procedure involves removing a very thin layer of skin within the split earlobe creating two fresh surfaces that can be neatly and accurately stitched together.

The skill involves keeping the round edge of the ear lobe and this is where having a specialist in ear reconstruction surgery is beneficial.

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If the earlobe is just repaired, the resulting vertical scar will contract and cause a notch in the lower border of the earlobe. However, using a specialist plastic surgery technique called a Z-plasty this notch can be avoided or significantly reduced. This involves cutting a Z pattern at the bottom of the earlobe that is neatly hidden from view but lengthens the scar helping prevent the notching in the border of the earlobe.

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Split earlobe repair with hole preservation

Mark also offers this more complex procedure, requiring skill in aesthetic ear surgery.

Clients often want to keep the original position of their ear-piercing despite the split and this procedure makes this possible.

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To do this requires a plastic surgery technique called a local flap. This is piece of skin within the split earlobe that is designed to create a new hole but also allows the remaining part of the split to be joined up. The client often is required to bring a sleeper earring to wear through the preserved hole to keep it open until the wounds have healed.

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Split earlobe repair afterSplit earlobe repair before surgery
Tribal earlobe repair before after

Tribal earlobe repair

Jewellery or spacers worn within the earlobe stretch it out,  which makes the ear lobe hang down, sometimes this even occurs with the spacer inside the ear lobe.

Tribal earlobe repair involves repairing the earlobe to bring the skin back up into place, while trying to preserve the round shape of the lower border of the earlobe as much as possible.

Tribal earlobe repair before after

Recovery / Healing time

The wounds have stitches that need removing at about a week. Clients can shower as normal the evening of surgery as there is a shower-proof dressing over the wound. It is advisable to wait 6 weeks before getting the earlobe re-pierced. The new ear piercing should not be through the scar but 5 mm away from it. Heavy earring should not be worn for 3 months until the wound has had time to strengthen.